Weekly reflections

Thoughts and prayers from the Wood Green team

Parish Letter - Advent II Sunday 8th December 2024

Dear Sisters and Brothers,

In these short, dark days of Advent, I am spending time reading and reflecting on the life of the Blessed Virgin Mary. We first meet her, of course, at the Annunciation and that story leads into the Visitation, where she travels to visit her cousin Elizabeth who, as the Angel Gabriel had told Mary, is six months pregnant. The gospel tells us that Mary stayed with Elizabeth for three months, which means she must have been there when John the Baptist was born. She may have witnessed and helped with his birth. She most probably held him in her arms and thought about her own baby, Our Lord Jesus, who lay nestled in her womb.

In this Sunday’s gospel reading, Luke tells us that in the fifteenth year of Tiberius Caesar’s reign, the word of God came to John in the wilderness, and that he went through the whole of Jordan proclaiming a baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins. The prophet Isaiah had foreseen the coming of John with the words, ‘A voice cries in the wilderness; prepare the way for the Lord, make his paths straight’.

Advent is a time for us to prepare the way for the Lord. Every year we hear how we should find time to reflect on what this season means, on how to ‘put Christ back into Christmas’. Perhaps we’ve heard it so often that we’ve stopped listening. Can we listen to the voice crying in the wilderness now? How can we make the Lord’s paths straight?

For many people, the ‘outer journey’ towards Christmas is about decorating the tree, buying and wrapping presents and filling the fridge with festive food. But It is in the ‘inner journey’ where we will find ways to make his paths straight. To look at our inner selves and see where we can sweep away cobwebs and allow fresh air and light to flood in. To look into our own darkness with honesty and humility. We are all sinners. It is in confessing and repenting our sins that we will be forgiven. That was the message that John the Baptist gave us. That was the voice crying in the wilderness. That is the voice that is still crying out to us as Mary and Joseph make their way slowly towards Bethlehem.
If you would like to spend a little quiet time reflecting on Advent and the Nativity, I suggest coming to ‘Advent through Art’ on Thursday evenings. If you would like to confess your sins with the help of a priest, please speak to Father Ian or Father Engin.

With my love and prayers for a peaceful, reflective Advent,

Sister Pat
Sr Pat
(On behalf of the clergy)

Prayer for the week

Prayer for the week
Almighty God,
We are watching and waiting for the coming of your Son.
As we gaze into the darkness, may we see the star shining brightly overhead.
May we be guided along our own inner journey towards eternal life
with you, Father, Son and Holy Spirit,
One God, now and forever, Amen.

Week at a glance

Sunday 8th December Advent 2 Sunday
08.30am Said Mass at St Michael Wood Green
10.30am Parish Mass St Michael Wood Green
11.00 am Parish Eucharist at St Michael-at-Bowes

Tuesday 10th December 2024
11.00 am Eucharist at St Michael-at-Bowes
12.00 noon Tuesday Advent Bible Study & Discussion at St Michael-at-Bowes

Wednesday 11th December 2024
12.00 noon Parish Mass at St Michael Wood Green

Thursday 12th December 2024
7.00 pm Advent through Art Holy Hour St Michael Wood Green

Friday 13th December 2024
12.00 noon Parish Mass at St Michael Wood Green

Saturday 14th December 2024
12.00 noon Parish Mass at St Michael Wood Green


Tuesday Bible Study Group: Advent Bible Study following 11am Mass

Wednesday Drop-In: Join us at the Drop-In on Wednesdays between 10.30am
and1.30pm for fellowship, and refreshments available for all. All are welcome!

Bowes Christmas Lunch – 7th December – Tickets still available

Advent through Art Thursdays 7pm – In place of Holy Hour throughout Advent we shall be focusing on our Lord’s Nativity using artwork. Amidst all the busyness of the holy season, Advent through Art will provide a sacred space where art and theology meet. We look forward to seeing you.

Advent & Christmas – See the posters around the Church

Sunday 22nd December – Carol Service with the Bethlehem Light. Join us at 4pm on Sunday 22nd December for our Carol Service. This year we are honoured to have the Bethlehem Light with us taken from the birthplace of Christ our Lord. Please make this celebration known and join us for a traditional carol service followed by christmas refreshments.

Dates ahead from your social and fund-raising team

  • Saturday 7th December Bowes are hosting their Christmas Lunch
  • Saturday 21st December Christmas wreath/ flower arrangement

Please add these dates to your diaries and calendars and support us in our efforts to raise vital funds for the upkeep of our churches.

Remember: Your clergy are called by God to love and serve you. If there is
anything you want to speak about in confidence, or if there is anything you want us to pray for, or should you know someone who is unwell and needs a visit – please let us know.

Ministries of Anointing and laying on of hands are available after Mass on Sunday.

Advent is a penitential season and should you wish to make your confession please speak to Fr Ian or Fr Engin who will be happy to assist you.

Parish Letter - Advent Sunday 1st December 2024

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Happy New Year!!! Yes this Sunday is Advent Sunday and marks the beginning of the Church’s year.

In our Gospel on Sunday St Luke paints a vivid picture and sadly it is one we know well in these times; war, conflicts, climate unrest and greed. This may have been written two thousand years ago, but this is also our lived experience now. However, just as then, God does not leave us in that place of confusion and helplessness. St Luke reminds us that with the coming of the Son of Man, our liberation and our redemption is near.

As a time of waiting Advent serves as a sign of hope for communities longing and waiting for peace and stability. Hope is a precious gift and helps us during periods of trial and tribulation. Hope is not just wishful thinking, it can help us withstand all kinds of difficulty. We must never forget that hope is not just optimism, as that just glosses over present situations and encourages us to sit passively until the storm is over. Hope, especially Advent Hope is action oriented, it invites us to trust in God; to live carefully; to be watchful and to pray at all times. Yes things may be tough and life may be hard, but we never face this alone without signs of hope and reassurance, signs that if we seek them will point us to the one who is coming – Jesus our Lord, our strength, our saviour and our peace.

Wishing you joy and peace this Advent tide.

father ian booth
Fr Ian
(On behalf of the clergy)

Prayer for the week

(based on Luke 21: 25-36)

We shudder at signs we see.
Anxieties bombard us. Our hearts are afraid.
Lord, Let us be vigilant, hold our heads high.
Make us an Advent people with hope as our stronghold.
Jesus, You once came into our world with all its sorrows.
Keep us awake and alert to your presence
in the midst of our struggles now.
Tell us again that your love will triumph.
Come, Lord Jesus. Amen

Week at a glance

Advent Reflections with Fr Simon begins tonight at 7pm – St Michael’s Wood Green

Sunday 1st December Advent Sunday
08.30am Said Mass at St Michael Wood Green
10.30am Parish Mass St Michael Wood Green
11.00 am Parish Eucharist at St Michael-at-Bowes
6.00pm An Advent service of Light – a united service of prayers, reflections and music – St Michael at Bowes

Tuesday 3rd December 2024
11.00 am Eucharist at St Michael-at-Bowes
12.00 noon Tuesday Advent Bible Study & Discussion at St Michael-at-Bowes

Wednesday 4th December 2024
12.00 noon Parish Mass at St Michael Wood Green

Thursday 5th December 2024
7.00 pm Advent through Art Holy Hour St Michael Wood Green

Friday 6th December 2024 Feast of St Nicholas
12.00 noon Parish Mass at St Michael Wood Green

Saturday 7th December 2024
12.00 noon Parish Mass at St Michael Wood Green


Tuesday Bible Study Group: Advent Bible Study following 11am Mass

Wednesday Drop-In: Join us at the Drop-In on Wednesdays between 10.30am
and1.30pm for fellowship, and refreshments available for all. All are welcome!

Bowes Christmas Lunch – 7th December – Tickets now available

Advent through Art Thursdays 7pm – Join us from Thursday 28th November as we begin our Advent journey towards Christmas. In place of Holy Hour throughout Advent we shall be focusing on our Lord’s Nativity using artwork. Amidst all the busyness of the holy season, Advent through Art will provide a sacred space where art and theology meet. We look forward to seeing you.

Advent Sunday service of Light 6pm – We join together at St Michael at Bowes for a service of prayers, reflections and music for this holy season.

Advent & Christmas – See the posters around the Church.

Dates ahead from your social and fund-raising team

  • Saturday 7th December Bowes are hosting their Christmas Lunch
  • Saturday 21st December Christmas wreath/ flower arrangement

Please add these dates to your diaries and calendars and support us in our efforts to raise vital funds for the upkeep of our churches.

Remember: Your clergy are called by God to love and serve you. If there is
anything you want to speak about in confidence, or if there is anything you want us to pray for, or should you know someone who is unwell and needs a visit – please let us know.

Ministries of Anointing and laying on of hands are available after Mass on Sunday.

Advent is a penitential season and should you wish to make your confession please speak to Fr Ian or Fr Engin who will be happy to assist you.

Parish Letter - Sunday 24th November

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

Grace and Peace to you from the God who reigns world without end,

This coming Sunday marks the start of the final week in our Christian Year. Whilst the Christmas decorations may have already begun to adorn the streets and shops and those familiar tunes occupy the airwaves, we are not there quite yet.

On Sunday, to mark the end of the year the Church catholic will celebrate the Kingship of our Lord, Jesus Christ. The Kingdom of Jesus Christ is a kingdom to which all are invited to reside in. St Cyril describes Christ’s reign as having “dominion over all creatures, a dominion not seized by violence nor usurped, but his by essence and by nature.” Christ’s reign cannot be overturned, ignored or diminished, it is of the very matter of light and borne out of Christ ‘s sacred heart. A kingdom governed by the ceaseless love of the Son of God.

This last month of December is for many of us, one of the busier – if not the busiest, months in the calendar. Sunday’s great feast is a timely reminder that in the waves of excitement, celebration and activity that can overwhelm us during these coming weeks, Christ remains King over all. There is not a part of our lives, no corner of our being in which Jesus Christ does not rule supreme. As we embark as individuals and a community into the great preparation of the Nativity of our Lord and saviour, the image of Christ as King, sat at the right hand of our Father, is one that should help fuel our journey to the manger in Bethlehem.

May the radiant image of Christ’s Kingship fill your hearts and give you great joy and hope in the coming weeks.

father simon
Fr Simon
(On behalf of the clergy)

Prayer for the week

Almighty God and Father,
May the reign of Christ your Son be renewed in our hearts this day.
Grace us with your Spirit to keep our gaze on his heavenly throne,
and so order our lives to the nature of his Kingdom.
We ask this through your Son our Lord,
who lives and reigns in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
God forever and ever.

Week at a glance

Sunday 24th November 2024
Feast of Christ the King

08.30am Said Mass at St Michael Wood Green
10.30am Parish Mass St Michael Wood Green
11.00 am Parish Eucharist at St Michael-at-Bowes

Tuesday 26th November 2024
11.00 am Eucharist at St Michael-at-Bowes
12.00 noon Tuesday Bible Study & Discussion at St Michael-at-Bowes

Wednesday 27th November 2024
12.00 noon Parish Mass at St Michael Wood Green

Thursday 28th November 2024
7.00 pm Holy Hour at St Michael Wood Green (Advent through Art)

Friday 29th November 2024
12.00 noon Parish Mass at St Michael Wood Green

Saturday 30th November 2024
Feast of St Andrew the Apostle

12.00 noon Parish Mass at St Michael Wood Green


Tuesday Bible Study Group: We continue to study the parables of Jesus this week and the next. We will begin a new Advent Study on Tuesday, 26th November 2024, which will be four- week study leading up to Christmas.

Wednesday Drop-In: Join us at the Drop-In on Wednesdays between 10.30am and 1.30pm for fellowship, and refreshments available for all. All are welcome!

Bowes Christmas Lunch – 7th December – Tickets now available

Advent through Art Thursdays 7pm – Join us from Thursday 28th November as we begin our Advent journey towards Christmas. In place of Holy Hour throughout Advent we shall be focusing on our Lord’s Nativity using artwork. Amidst all the busyness of the holy season, Advent through Art will provide a sacred space where art and theology meet. We look forward to seeing you.

Advent & Christmas – Your clergy are planning a number of additional services and groups to help us journey towards Christmas. A full list will be available very soon

Dates ahead from your social and fund-raising team

  • Saturday 7th December Bowes are hosting their Christmas Lunch
  • Saturday 21st December Christmas wreath/ flower arrangement

Please add these dates to your diaries and calendars and support us in our efforts to raise vital funds for the upkeep of our churches.

Parish Letter - Sunday 17th November

Dear Sisters and Brothers,

This week has been one of the most difficult weeks ever for the Church of England. The media was full of the scandal of a serial abuser who was known to be an abuser by some of the highest ranking clergy in the Church, and led to the resignation of Justin Welby, Archbishop of Canterbury. It is said that more resignations will follow.

As so often happens, our readings on Sunday reflect the reality we are living through. Our first reading, from Daniel, tells us that Michael, the great prince and patron of our church, will stand up and mount guard over the people. It talks of shame and everlasting disgrace, and then about the learned who will shine brightly, ‘as bright as stars for all eternity’.

In the Gospel reading, from Mark, we hear Jesus talking about the end of the world. How the sun will be darkened and the moon will lose its brightness. How the stars will come falling from heaven and the powers in the heavens will be shaken. He goes on to say how both heaven and earth will pass away, but his words will not pass away. It can appear as a frightening picture of the apocalypse… except, that in the middle of the reading, are these words:
‘And then they will see the Son of Man coming in the clouds with great power and glory; then too he will send the angels to gather his chosen from the four winds, from the ends of the world to the ends of heaven.’

I’m not saying that the scandal in the Church of England is a sign of the end of the world. Not at all. But it does shake our world. Our dear Church which seems to go from one crisis to another, is once again making news headlines. Some of those who lead our Church are under scrutiny, and children and young men who should have been loved and cared for have been damaged. Innocence destroyed. The words in our reading from Daniel, ‘shame and disgrace’ could not be more relevant for the one who did the damage and the ones who didn’t stop it happening. What we need to remember is that this scandal, which could have remained hidden, has come to light. It could have remained hidden forever. But there are victims who have stood up and bravely spoken out. Who refused to be silenced. Picture St Michael guarding the people. Picture Our Lord Jesus who is the light in the darkness, allowing nothing to remain hidden. All will be revealed, and even though it is distressing for us to live through, it is a good, honest and holy thing.

With my love and prayers,

Sister Pat
Sr Pat
(On behalf of the clergy)

Prayer for the week

Father, we pray for the Church of England at this very difficult time.
For Archbishop Justin Welby and his family, and others whose lives are changing forever. We pray for the hundreds of victims who were abused by someone they trusted. We pray for safeguarding to be the top priority in our own parish churches. Keep our eyes open Father. Let there be transparency and protection for all. We remember the words from the prayer Jesus taught us:
‘Forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us’.
Father, give us the courage to forgive.
In the name of our Beloved Saviour, Jesus Christ.

Week at a glance

Sunday 17th November 2024
08.30am Said Mass at St Michael Wood Green
10.30am Parish Mass St Michael Wood Green
11.00 am Parish Eucharist at St Michael-at-Bowes

Tuesday 19th November 2024
11.00 am Eucharist at St Michael-at-Bowes
12.00 noon Tuesday Bible Study & Discussion at St Michael-at-Bowes

Wednesday 20th November 2024
12.00 noon Parish Mass at St Michael Wood Green

Thursday 21st November 2024
7.00 pm Holy Hour at St Michael Wood Green

Friday 22nd November 2024
12.00 noon Parish Mass at St Michael Wood Green

Saturday 23rd November 2024
12.00 noon Parish Mass at St Michael Wood Green


Tuesday Bible Study Group: We continue to study the parables of Jesus this week and the next. We will begin a new Advent Study on Tuesday, 26th November 2024, which will be four- week study leading up to Christmas.

Wednesday Drop-In: Join us at the Drop-In on Wednesdays between 10.30am and 1.30pm for fellowship, and refreshments available for all. All are welcome!

Bowes Christmas Lunch – 7th December – Tickets now available

Advent through Art Thursdays 7pm – Join us from Thursday 28th November as we begin our Advent journey towards Christmas. In place of Holy Hour throughout Advent we shall be focusing on our Lord’s Nativity using artwork. Amidst all the busyness of the holy season, Advent through Art will provide a sacred space where art and theology meet. We look forward to seeing you.

Advent & Christmas – Your clergy are planning a number of additional services and groups to help us journey towards Christmas. A full list will be available very soon

Dates ahead from your social and fund-raising team

  • Saturday 7th December Bowes are hosting their Christmas Lunch
  • Saturday 21st December Christmas wreath/ flower arrangement

Please add these dates to your diaries and calendars and support us in our efforts to raise vital funds for the upkeep of our churches.

Parish Letter - Sunday 10th November - We will remember them

Lord, make me an instrument of your peace:
where there is hatred, let me sow love;
where there is injury, pardon;
where there is doubt, faith;
where there is despair, hope;
where there is darkness, light;
where there is sadness, joy.
O divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek
to be consoled as to console,
to be understood as to understand,
to be loved as to love.
For it is in giving that we receive,
it is in pardoning that we are pardoned,
and it is in dying that we are born to eternal life. (St Francis of Assisi)

Dear Friends in Christ,
Before embracing the cross, our Lord Jesus said to his disciples: “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.” What is peace then? The Hebrew word for peace is Shalom and it refers to the absence of conflict. It also points to the presence of something better in its place. The most basic meaning of shalom is complete or whole and the word can refer to the stone that has a perfect shape, a complete stone without any cracks, no gaps or missing bricks. The word contains wellness, peace, reconciliation, healing and prosperity. In other words, it is a state of completeness in every way. As you can imagine, the word we use today sadly lost its depth of meaning.

As we prepare to remember many men and women who laid down their lives for the sake of peace, which we have and enjoy, we are given an opportunity to remember their love, dedication and sacrifice for the sake of peace. Of course, as Christians, we know that peace is costly. When Risen Christ came and stood among his friends, he showed them his hands and side as he said, “Shalom be with you!” There, one could see the contracts between the state of shalom that Jesus offers as well as the marks of his suffering. There is a stark contrast between shalom and earthly peace we have from time to time in history. I think this is best depicted that Jesus’ death and resurrection took place in a time so called “Pax Romana”, the great Roman peace which of course was established by force and use of power.

Jesus’ peace on the other hand has come through self-giving. For Christians, every Sunday is a form of “Remembrance Sunday” as we celebrate the Eucharist and remember Jesus’ death for our sins. This eternal peace Jesus offered for us breaks all the walls of division and hostility. It confronts all evil and brings healing, reconciliation and wholeness. It encompasses entire humanity, every race and tribe and nation. It is the kind of peace I am longing for and a kind of peace that I believe all Christians should strive for. My prayer is
that St Francis’ prayer would be a guide for us to strive for such peace in our communities.

Every blessing,

reverend engin
(On behalf of the clergy)

Prayer for the week

God, our refuge and strength,
Bring near the day when wars shall cease
And poverty and pain shall end,
That earth may know the peace of heaven
Through Jesus Christ our Lord.

Week at a glance

Sunday 10th November (Remembrance Sunday)
09.30 am Parish Mass at St Michael Wood Green
11.00 am Parish Eucharist at St Michael-at-Bowes

Tuesday 12th November 2024
11.00 am Eucharist at St Michael-at-Bowes
12.00 noon Tuesday Bible Study & Discussion at St Michael-at-Bowes

Wednesday 13th November 2024
12.00 noon Parish Mass at St Michael Wood Green

Thursday 14th November 2024
7.00 pm Holy Hour at St Michael Wood Green

Friday 15th November 2024
12.00 noon Parish Mass at St Michael Wood Green

Saturday 16th November 2024
12.00 noon Parish Mass at St Michael Wood Green


Quiz afternoon – Join us tomorrow at 2pm for our annual Autumn Quiz. £6 entry fee, with refreshments provided.

Sunday is Remembrance Sunday – Parish Mass at 9.30am followed by the Act of Remembrance at the war memorial.

Tuesday Bible Study Group: We continue to study the parables of Jesus this week and the next. We will begin a new Advent Study on Tuesday, 26th November 2024, which will be four- week study leading up to Christmas.

Wednesday Drop-In: Join us at the Drop-In on Wednesdays between 10.30am
and1.30pm for fellowship, and refreshments available for all. All are welcome!

Bowes Christmas Lunch – 7th December – Tickets now available

Advent & Christmas – Your clergy are planning a number of additional services and groups to help us journey towards Christmas. A full list will be available next week.

Dates ahead from your social and fund-raising team

  • Saturday 9th November autumn Quiz afternoon 2 to 4pm
  • Saturday 7th December Bowes are hosting their Christmas Lunch
  • Saturday 21st December Christmas wreath/ flower arrangement

Please add these dates to your diaries and calendars and support us in our efforts to raise vital funds for the upkeep of our churches.

Parish Letter - All Saints All Souls and Sunday 3rd November

Dear Sisters and Brothers,

This Sunday we will hear two readings that were written one thousand years apart. The first reading is from Deuteronomy and was written three thousand years ago, when Moses tells the people that the Lord our God is the one Lord, and that you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all you soul, with all your strength.

The Gospel reading, from Mark, was written one thousand years later, in which the scribes ask Jesus which is the first commandment. Jesus answers that the first commandment is to love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind and with all your strength.

He then goes further, he says that you must love your neighbour as yourself. He tells them that there are no commandments greater than these. Love God first, and then love your neighbour as yourself.

These two readings get to the very heart of what our faith is about. When we see the ministry of Christians over the years and in our world today, we see those two commandments in action: The Anglican Hospital in Gaza which has cared for Palestinians for years. Thousands of food banks and ‘warm spaces’ run by churches across Britain for the poor and needy. Prison visitors going into some of our most secure prisons to visit those who are serving life sentences. Ordinary people who give their time to the service of others, and by doing so, they give themselves to the service of God.

This is what it means to love our neighbour as ourselves. If we love God, we must not love him half-heartedly. We must not be Sunday Christians. We must love and serve and give ourselves freely to the One who made us, every day, every minute of every day, for all the years of our lives. In that way we will pass on the baton so that in another thousand, another two thousand and another three thousand years the work and the worship will continue and will thrive.

With my love and prayers,

Sister Pat
Sr Pat
(On behalf of the clergy)

Prayer for the week

Lord Jesus,
Help us to love God with all our heart, with all our soul, with all our mind and with all our strength. Help us to see our neighbour in each person we encounter:
The homeless man or woman begging on the street.
The refugee seeking safety from war, poverty or climate emergency.
The young people who get caught up in drugs and gangs.
Those who have mental illness or dementia.
You, Jesus, gave us the commandments to live by.
May we have the courage to take up our cross and follow you.
In your name, Our Lord, Our God, Our Christ. Amen.

Week at a glance

Sunday 3rd November
8:30am Said Mass
10.30am Parish Mass
11.00am Eucharist at Bowes

Tuesday 5th November
11.00 am Eucharist at St Michael-at-Bowes
12.00 noon Tuesday Bible Study; Discussion at St Michael-at-Bowes

Wednesday 6th November
12.00 noon Parish Mass at St Michael Wood Green

Thursday 7th November
7.00 pm Walsingham Cell Mass with Rosary

Friday 8th November
12.00 noon Parish Mass at St Michael Wood Green

Saturday 9th November
12.00 noon Parish Mass at St Michael Wood Green


All Saints Day – Tonight Friday 1st November we celebrate All Saints Day with a Parish Mass at 7pm. This is a major feast day and one when we should make our Communion in thanksgiving to God for those who faithfully served Him throughout the ages.

All Souls – A list is at the back of St Michael’s Church for any names to be noted for prayer in our Mass for All Souls on Saturday 2nd November at 12noon.

Tuesday Bible Study Group: Bible Study & Discussion series on Jesus’ parables continue at St Michael at Bowes, all welcome.

Wednesday Drop-In: Join us at the Drop-In on Wednesdays between 10.30am and 1.30pm for fellowship, and refreshments available for all. All are welcome!

Quiz Afternoon – Don those thinking caps and prepare to be put to the test for our Quiz afternoon. There will be a raffle and prizes for the winning team. Points mean Prizes! Tickets are £6 and can be purchased from Veera. Will your team be outwitted by our Quiz Master, you will have to come along to find out…

Ministry of prayer, healing and anointing – Following the Mass on Sunday, the clergy team will be available for various ministries. If you have anyone you would like prayed for, or if you need prayers yourself then do make use of the team. Holy Anointing will also be available for healing and strength.

Remembrance Sunday – St Michael’s Wood Green will only have the one Parish Mass on Remembrance Sunday, at the altered time of 09:30. There will be no 08:30 Said Mass. Following which we will congregate at the War Memorial behind the church for a short service of prayer and remembrance for those who have given their lives in armed conflict. Poppies are available at Church.

Dates ahead from your social and fund-raising team

  • Saturday 9th November autumn Quiz afternoon 2 to 4pm
  • Saturday 7th December Bowes are hosting their Christmas Lunch
  • Saturday 21st December Christmas wreath/ flower arrangement

Please add these dates to your diaries and calendars and support us in our efforts to raise vital funds for the upkeep of our churches.

Parish Letter - Sunday 27th October 2024

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

It is a joy to be back with you after our vacation and I am grateful to my brother priests for enabling Carol and I to have a break and we are also grateful to you all for your prayers and kind messages.

During the Gospel readings of the last few weeks we have seen the disciples of Jesus failing to understand the true nature of discipleship. There was the young man who could not let go of his possessions; then the Apostles’ failure to understand the Lord’s prophecy of his passion; finally last week the sons of Zebedee eager to claim positions of power at the Lord’s right hand. This Sunday, the Lord gives us a remarkable example of true discipleship from the most unlikely of people, blind Bartimaeus. The blind beggar recognises Jesus for who he really is, the Son of David, and despite the crowd’s attempts to hush him up, he cries out to the Lord for mercy. Jesus stops, hears him and calls him forward. Jesus then asks the same question he has just askes James and John: ‘What do you want me to do for you?’ The two disciples asked for positions of power. Bartimaeus asks for sight.

The true disciple asks to see clearly and knows that only through the Lord’s power can this be achieved. With his sight restored Bartimaeus completes the pattern of true discipleship and follows Jesus. The question Jesus continues to ask us on our journey of faith is the same one he put to Bartimaeus: ‘What Do you want me to do for you?’ In answering that question, we hopefully make the same response as Bartimaeus, asking that we may see and then follow wherever the Lord leads us.

With love and prayers

father ian booth
Fr Ian
(On behalf of the clergy)

Prayer for the week

O Lord, Jesus Christ,
you heard the cry of the blind beggar
when others would have silenced him.
Teach us to be attentive
to the voices others ignore,
that we might respond
through the power of the Spirit
to heal the afflicted
and to welcome the abandoned
for your sake and the sake of the gospel. Amen.

Week at a glance

Sunday 27th October 2024
8.30am Said Mass
10.30am Parish Mass
11am Mass at Bowes

Tuesday 29th October 2024
11.00 am Eucharist at St Michael-at-Bowes
12.00 noon Tuesday Bible Study at St Michael-at-Bowes

Wednesday 30th October 2024
Drop In 10:30-13:30 (St Raphael Centre)
12.00 noon Parish Mass

Thursday 31st October 2024
7.00 pm Holy Hour 

Friday 1st November 2024
All Saints Day – 7.00 pm Parish Mass 

Saturday 2nd November 2024
All Souls Day 12.00 noon Parish Mass



Fr Ian and Carol would like to thank Fr Engin, Fr Roger, Fr Simon, Fr Martin and Vanessa and Kathy and all of you for their care of the parish in their absence.

Bible Study – Do come and join our Bible Study group this autumn as we explore the Parables of Jesus Christ. A relaxed group where we can share our insights and responses to the teachings of Christ. This follows the 11am Weekday Mass at St Michael-at-Bowes on a Tuesday. All Welcome.

Bowes Harvest Festival – On Sunday 27th October St Michael-at-Bowes will celebrate Harvest. Any harvest donations are most welcome. Fr Simon will join the community for Mass and be preaching.

All Saints Day – On Friday 1st November we celebrate All Saints Day with a Parish Mass at 7pm. This is a major feast day and one when we should make our Communion in thanksgiving to God for those who faithfully served Him throughout the ages.

All Souls – A list is at the back of St Michael’s Church for any names to be noted for prayer in our Mass for All Souls on Saturday 2nd November at 12noon.

Quiz Afternoon – Don those thinking caps and prepare to be put to the test for our Quiz afternoon. There will be a raffle and prizes for the winning team. Points mean Prizes! Tickets are £6 and can be purchased from Veera. Will your team be outwitted by our Quiz Master, you will have to come along to find out…

Remembrance Sunday – St Michael’s Wood Green will only have the one Parish Mass on Remembrance Sunday, at the altered time of 09:30. There will be no 08:30 Said Mass. Following which we will congregate at the War Memorial behind the church for a short service of prayer and remembrance for those who have given their lives in armed conflict.

Poppies are available at the back of the Church should you wish to purchase one.

Dates ahead from your social and fund-raising team

  • Saturday 9th November autumn Quiz afternoon 2 to 4pm
  • Saturday 7th December Bowes are hosting their Christmas Lunch
  • Saturday 21st December Christmas wreath/ flower arrangement

Please add these dates to your diaries and calendars and support us in our efforts to raise vital funds for the upkeep of our churches.

Parish letter - 29th Sunday of Ordinary Time

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

Grace and Peace to you from the Lord our God, from whom all good gifts and blessings are given.

Sunday 20th October – 29th Sunday of Ordinary Time

The explosion of the internet has brought the crafty allure of reputation, status and influence into our lives in a way that was not even thought possible before the turn of the millennium. It is quite amazing that the internet only began to make general use in about 1994, with broadband first launched in 2000 and the use of Mobile Phone internet overtaking that of Laptops and computers by 2014. That’s only twenty years from dial up internet (the wincing tone down the phone line many of us still recall) to having 4g in the palm of our hand. The speed of this development is astonishing, and shows no signs of slowing down, if anything the reverse. And with it came our ability to put ourselves on a stage unimaginable in its scale. Social Media platforms such as Facebook, X (Twitter), Instagram, SnapChat, Youtube, Tik Tok, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Reddit, and so on and so on Ad Infinitum, ad Infinitum… began as enterprises of ‘ online community building’ but a culture of status has emerged from out of these that I am not sure many of us envisioned when the internet on our phones became so accessible.

Social Media apps in particular, present an individual the opportunity to present themselves, or in some instances recreate themselves, for a perceived community online. Other times one can set out to forge themselves a place of renown in a landscape of instant communication and visibility. If you walk down the street you are never far from someone asking “will this go viral?’ or ‘I want to be Youtuber/ Tik Toker content creator’. Our Gospel reading this week (Mark 10:35-45) explores Christ’s teaching on status and his example of it. Jesus turns James and John’s idea of status on its head. Instead of giving them a place next to him, where they are visible, where one might say “Let us listen to them look where they are sitting”, Jesus says to step away from the place of exaltation, seek it not . Instead, lower yourselves in service of others – do not raise yourself so others may serve you. He explains the approach to status and honour that the pagans had at the time, and I wonder to what extent. if at all, that has changed. Christ’s message to not seek authority for yourself, to not laud it over others is as needed today as it was during the dawn of the Church – especially when status in our online world can be so flippantly given and so cheaply carved out, and lost as quickly – often with devastating results. There is only one who warrants our acclaim, only one who sits in a place of honour. To Christ be the glory, forever and ever. Amen.

Fr Simon

father simon
Fr Simon
(On behalf of the clergy)

Prayer for the week

Almighty God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ,
We laud and honour you as the Triune God of all things, things in heaven and on earth.
By your spirit help us to not be trapped by status,
Make us low that we might be Christ to our neighbour and community.
We pray this in the strength of Your Spirit and in union with the only one who warrants renown, your Son, our saviour Jesus Christ.

Week at a glance

Sunday 20th October 2024
8.30am Said Mass
10.30am Parish Mass
11am Mass at Bowes

Tuesday 22nd October 2024
11.00 am Eucharist at St Michael-at-Bowes
12.00 noon Tuesday Bible Study

Wednesday 23rd October 2024
Drop In 10:30-13:30 (St Raphael Centre)
12.00 noon Parish Mass at St Michael Wood Green

Thursday 10th October 2024
7.00 pm Holy Hour

Friday 25th October 2024
12.00 noon Parish Mass at St Michael Wood Green

Saturday 26th October 2024
12.00 noon Parish Mass at St Michael Wood Green


The Rector Returns – Do keep Fr Ian and Carol in your prayers as they return from Greece this Sunday. Pray too that they return with the Greek Sunshine…

Bible Study – Do come and join our Bible Study group this autumn as we explore the Parables of Jesus Christ. A relaxed group where we can share our insights and responses to the teachings of Christ. This follows the 11am Weekday Mass at St Michael-at-Bowes on a Tuesday. All Welcome.

Bowes Harvest Festival – On Sunday 27th October St Michael-at-Bowes will celebrate Harvest. Any harvest donations are most welcome. Fr Simon will join the community for Mass and be preaching.

All Souls – A list is at the back of St Michael’s Church for any names to be noted for prayer in our Mass for All Souls on Saturday 2nd November.

Quiz Afternoon – Don those thinking caps and prepare to be put to the test for our Quiz afternoon. There will be a raffle and prizes for the winning team. Points mean Prizes! Tickets are £6 and can be purchased from Vera. Will your team be outwitted by our Quiz Master, you will have to come along to find out…

Remembrance Sunday – St Michael’s Wood Green will only have the one Parish Mass on Remembrance Sunday, at the altered time of 09:30. There will be no 08:30 Said Mass. Following which we will congregate at the War Memorial behind the church for a short service of prayer and remembrance for those who have given their lives in armed conflict.

Dates ahead from your social and fund-raising team

  • Saturday 9th November autumn Quiz afternoon 2 to 4pm
  • Saturday 7th December Bowes are hosting their Christmas Lunch
  • Saturday 21st December Christmas wreath/ flower arrangement

Please add these dates to your diaries and calendars and support us in our efforts to raise vital funds for the upkeep of our churches.

Parish letter - Sunday 6th October

Watching the news story about the cruise ship that has been stuck in Belfast for five months, set me thinking about the Titanic which was constructed in Belfast, and the traditional lifeboat rule of ‘women and children first’.

This Sunday’s gospel reading is considered to be quite a tricky one for a modern congregation. Once again, the Pharisees are trying to catch Jesus out and this time they ask him if it is against the law for a man to divorce his wife. Jesus answers them with a question, ‘What did Moses command you?’ They reply that Moses allowed a man to divorce his wife. Jesus goes on to explain that Moses allowed it because they were unteachable at that time. He says that now they should follow the law of God: one man and one woman were created and the two become one in marriage. They are no longer two therefore but one body, and that no one should divide them.

An understanding of Jewish law at the time of Jesus is helpful in this reading. Any man could very easily divorce his wife because he has tired of her or to marry another woman. Women in the ancient Jewish world owned nothing of their own (which in fact was normal in most cultures). No property. No money. Even their children were considered the property of the husband. So when a man divorced his wife she was left completely destitute, having to fall back on relatives to keep her, or find a job as a servant, or resort to begging or even prostitution. A divorced woman was set outside of the family and the community. In our modern language, she was marginalised.

The second part of the reading concerns children. People were bringing their children to Jesus for him to touch them and bless them. The disciples were turning them away, but Jesus stops them. He says ‘Let the little children come to me; do not stop them; For it is to such as these that the kingdom of God belongs.’ The children of the poor had very little value in the ancient world. Poor children were generally considered a nuisance outside of the family. The attitude of the disciples reflected that culture. But Jesus turns that attitude on its head. He says, ‘I tell you solemnly, anyone who does not enter the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it’. He puts children on a pedestal as a good example for the adults to follow.

In this one reading, we see Jesus’ attitude to two extremely vulnerable groups: women and children. He goes against the cultural norms of his time to protect these two groups and to raise them up out of their lowly situations.

The debate on divorce has of course been going on since the time of Jesus. I certainly don’t have the room here to offer the ‘for and against’ arguments. But what is so interesting is the way that Jesus tackles the question. He uses it to expose the inequalities of his time. He is always on the side of those without power. In the words of his holy Mother, ‘He casts the mighty from their thrones and raises the lowly’.

The rule of lifeboats at sea echoes this gospel reading: women and children first.

With my prayers for you all,

Sister Pat
Sr Pat
(On behalf of the clergy)

Prayer for the week

Lord Jesus,
We pray for all vulnerable people in our world.
All people without power.
At this time of escalating war,
we pray for those who are frightened.
For children who cry amid the bombing.
For women who are desperate to save their children.
For men who feel helpless to protect their families.
Help us to be mindful of the innocent victims of war.
Lay your hands on them Lord; give them your blessing.
We pray in your name, our Prince of Peace,
Amen Lord, Amen.

Week at a glance

Sunday 6th October 2024
8.30am Said Mass
10.30am Parish Mass
11am Mass at Bowes

Tuesday 8th October 2024
11.00 am Eucharist at St Michael-at-Bowes
12.00 noon Tuesday Bible Study; Discussion at St Michael-at-Bowes

Wednesday 9th October 2024
12.00 noon Parish Mass at St Michael Wood Green
Thursday 10th October 2024
7.00 pm Holy Hour

Friday 11th October 2024
12.00 noon Parish Mass at St Michael Wood Green

Saturday 12th October 2024
12.00 noon Parish Mass at St Michael Wood Green


Tuesday Bible Study Group: We have just started a new Bible Study & Discussion series on Jesus’ parables. There is always room for newcomers.

Wednesday Drop-In: Join us at the Drop-In on Wednesdays between 10.30am and 1.30pm for fellowship, and refreshments available for all. All are welcome!

Ministry of prayer, healing and anointing – Following the Mass on Sunday, the clergy team will be available for various ministries. If you have anyone you would like prayed for, or if you need prayers yourself then do make use of the team. Holy Anointing will also be available for healing and strength. Fr Ian will explain how and where this will happen at Wood Green and Fr Engin will do the same at Bowes.

Celebrating 180 years – Thank you to everyone who made last Sunday’s Patronal Festival such an amazing celebration. It was good to see so many people filling the church and giving thanks to God. Let us work together in keeping our church alive and active in the love of God and the building of his kingdom here in Wood Green.

Harvest Festival – We shall keep next Sunday 13th October as our Harvest Festival with any food donations going to our Food Bank

Quiz night – Our social and fundraising committee invite you to the Autumn Quiz on Saturday 9th November. Tickets are on sale at only £6. This will include warm snacks, tea and coffee. Feel free to bring your favourite tipple

Dates ahead from your social and fund-raising team

  • Saturday 9th November autumn Quiz afternoon 2 to 4pm
  • Saturday 7th December Bowes are hosting their Christmas Lunch
  • Saturday 21st December Christmas wreath/ flower arrangement

Please add these dates to your diaries and calendars and support us in our efforts to raise vital funds for the upkeep of our churches.

Parish letter - St Michael's Day 180 - 29th September 2024

Dear Brothers & Sisters,

We are heading towards our 180th celebration of the consecration of our Church. The Church has been open all week from dawn to dusk to welcome worshippers and visitors. There are displays, pictures, quotes and articles that remember our past, celebrates our present and looks forward to our future.

But as an article written in 1994 reminds us ‘the history written about the church on the anniversary of St Michael’s Wood Green, is much more than a trip down memory lane. It is our history, our story, our roots. It witnesses to the faith, hope and love of those gone before; men, women and children just like us, who heard the same call and served the same Lord. It is they we have to thank for us being here today. We are their tribute. Their work goes on.

I hope and pray that we can all gather this Sunday at the changed time of 12noon for our Patronal Festival Mass. What a joy that St Michael’s day falls on a Sunday in this our 180th year. It is our opportunity to give thanks to God for all that has been and to dedicate ourselves anew to the work and call of the Gospel today, in the hope that future generations may come to know, love and serve the Lord and do their part in the building of His kingdom here in Wood Green.

I look forward to seeing you, your family and friends on Sunday

With love & prayers,

father ian booth
Fr Ian
(On behalf of the clergy)

Prayer for the week

Gracious God, as we celebrate our past and rejoice in our present, we also look forward with eager eyes to the future. We pray that You would continue to make Your love known among us. Give us a zeal for mission. Help us to look beyond our walls to those who do not know You. Make this church a blessing to those around us, and embolden us to move forward with strength toward what lies ahead. Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Week at a glance

Sunday 29th September
Feast of St Michael and all Angels
12 noon Patronal Festival Mass
followed by refreshments

Tuesday 1st October 2024
11.00 am Eucharist at St Michael-at-Bowes
12.00 noon Tuesday Bible Study; Discussion at St Michael-at-Bowes

Wednesday 2nd October 2024
12.00 noon Parish Mass at St Michael Wood Green

Thursday 3rd October 2024
7.00 pm Walsingham Cell Mass with Rosary

Friday 5th October 2024
12.00 noon Parish Mass at St Michael Wood Green

Saturday 6th October 2024
12.00 noon Parish Mass at St Michael Wood Green


Tuesday Bible Study Group: We have just started a new Bible Study & Discussion series on Jesus’ parables. There is always room for newcomers.

Wednesday Drop-In: Join us at the Drop-In on Wednesdays between 10.30am and 1.30pm for fellowship, and refreshments available for all. All are welcome!

PCC Meeting – There will be a PCC meeting on Tuesday, October 1st 2024 at 7pm at St Raphael Centre, Wood Green.

Ministry of prayer, healing and anointing – Following the Mass on Sunday, the clergy team will be available for various ministries. If you have anyone you would like prayed for, or if you need prayers yourself then do make use of the team. Holy Anointing will also be available for healing and strength. Fr Ian will explain how and where this will happen at Wood Green and Fr Engin will do the same at Bowes.

Celebrating 180 years – Thank you to everyone who has worked so hard over the last week especially as we prepare for our celebrations. We are so grateful to those who have cleaned and decorated the Church; to those who have arranged flowers and prepared the grounds or kept the church open. We owe you our gratitude, thank you

Harvest Festival – We shall keep Sunday 13th October as our Harvest Festival with any food donations going to our Food Bank.

Dates ahead from your social and fund-raising team

  • Sunday 29th September – Patronal Festival – Midday Parish Mass
  • Saturday 9th November autumn Quiz afternoon 2 to 4pm
  • Saturday 7th December Bowes are hosting their Christmas Lunch
  • Saturday 21st December Christmas wreath/ flower arrangement

Please add these dates to your diaries and calendars and support us in our efforts to raise vital funds for the upkeep of our churches.

Parish letter - Sunday 22nd September 2024

Dear Friends in Christ,

Peace and grace be with you!

Who do you think would be the greatest person in our time? Perhaps one might think of a political figure like Winston Churchill, or a scientist like Albert Einstein. Perhaps you may think of an artist, a musician or a sports person. Maybe a businessperson like Elon Musk or Bill Gates might tick the boxes. I suppose many people might define “greatness” based on people’s achievements, accomplishments and successes. After all, we live in an age where “greatness” is often measured by influence, power, and achievements.

But I know a person who started his “career” at the age of 30, and yet after three years his life was cut short when he was killed on the cross. Even though he was highly revered and followed by many people during this short time, he was left alone even by his followers at the time of his death. During his life, he did not hold any earthly power, money, possessions and political influence. His friends were often marginalised by the establishment. His message was very different from ones we often hear from other “great” people. He said one should love his neighbour and even enemies. He elevated people who are despised including children. He in fact embraced his own death also out of his love for others.

You know who I am talking about, right? It is of course Jesus who by earthly standards could be considered not very “successful”. Yet through his life and teachings he turned worldly values upside down. He offered an alternative way of living. In Jesus’ book, greatness is described very differently. He says, “whoever wants to be first must be last of all and servant of all.” Jesus describes “greatness” as being grounded in love, humility and service. Humility begins by embracing our humanity as individuals created in God’s image. As such we embrace each other as fellow human beings who reflect this image. To demonstrate his point, Jesus takes a little child and says, “whoever welcomes one such child in my name welcomes me, and whoever welcomes me welcomes not me but the one who sent me.”

Since 1844 members of our parish have faithfully followed Jesus’ way of life: offering healing and restoration to every community, living out the gospel and serving to everyone. As we are preparing to celebrate their legacy and the faithfulness of God over many years, I would like to encourage you to reflect on how we too can live out the same Gospel message in our challenging times.

Every blessing,

reverend engin
(On behalf of the clergy)

Prayer for the week

Prayer of the Week
Gracious God,
you call us to fullness of life:
deliver us from unbelief
and banish our anxieties

with the liberating love of Jesus Christ our Lord.


Week at a glance

As part of our 180th anniversary the Church will be open every day this week, do try and pop in at some time to thank God for the life and witness of St Michael’s.

Sunday 22nd September
08.30 am Parish Mass at St Michael Wood Green
10.30 am Parish Mass at St Michael Wood Green
11.00 am Parish Eucharist at St Michael-at-Bowes

Tuesday 24th September 2024
11.00 am Eucharist at St Michael-at-Bowes
12.00 noon Tuesday Bible Study; Discussion at St Michael-at-Bowes

Wednesday 25th September 2024
12.00 noon Parish Mass at St Michael Wood Green

Thursday 26th September 2024
07.00 pm Holy Hour at St Michael Wood Green

Friday 27th September 2024
12.00 noon Parish Mass at St Michael Wood Green

Saturday 28th July 2024
12.00 noon Parish Mass at St Michael Wood Green


Ministry of prayer, healing and anointing – Following the Mass on Sunday, the clergy team will be available for various ministries. If you have anyone you would like prayed for, or if you need prayers yourself then do make use of the team. Holy Anointing will also be available for healing and strength. Fr Ian will explain how and where this will happen at Wood Green and Fr Engin will do the same at Bowes.

Tuesday Bible Study Group: We have just started a new Bible Study & Discussion series on Jesus’ parables. There is always room for newcomers.

Wednesday Drop-In: Join us at the Drop-In on Wednesdays between 10.30am and 1.30pm for fellowship, and refreshments available for all. All are welcome!

PCC Meeting – There will be a PCC meeting on Tuesday, October 1st 2024 at 7pm at St Raphael Centre, Wood Green.

Celebrating 180 years – This week St Michael’s Church will celebrate 180 years of service to the community. The Wood Green Team will be marking this occasion with a week of celebration. On Sunday 29th September (St Michael’s Day) we shall celebrate a 180th festival Mass followed by lunch in the church grounds. Please mark the date now and make it known. A calendar of events for the week will soon be available. If you have any old pictures or memorabilia relating to the church please let Fr Ian know as we hope to produce a display as part of our week of celebration.
New postcards available for you to take and give to a friend as an invitation to our celebrations. Please do all you can to support this wonderful occasion.

St Michael’s Church will be open all week leading up to next Sunday’s Patronal Festival.

Stalls in the Hall Saturday 21st September – We begin our week long celebrations for our 180th anniversary with Stalls in the Hall. A number of crafts, cakes and challenges will be available not only to raise urgent funds but also to hand out information and invitations to our 180th celebrations. This will take place on Saturday 21st September. Again if you can help, please make it known.

Roof Repairs – You will be pleased to know that phase one of the repairs are almost complete on the roof and we are now watertight again. There is still more work to do but we are pleased to report the progress. Thank you all so much for your fund-raising efforts.

Harvest Festival – We shall keep Sunday 13th October as our Harvest Festival with any food donations going to our Food Bank.

Dates ahead from your social and fund-raising team

  • Saturday 21st September – Sunday 29th St Michaels day 180th Celebrations
  • Saturday 21st Stalls in the hall (see above notice)
  • Sunday 29th September – Patronal Festival – Midday Parish Mass
  • Saturday 9th November autumn Quiz afternoon 2 to 4pm
  • Saturday 7th December Bowes are hosting their Christmas Lunch
  • Saturday 21st December Christmas wreath/ flower arrangement

Please add these dates to your diaries and calendars and support us in our efforts to raise vital funds for the upkeep of our churches.

Parish letter - Sunday 15th September 2024

Dear Sisters and Brothers,

I’m rather keen on the BBC TV series ‘Who Do You Think You Are?’, although I have to admit that I’ve never even heard of some of the celebrities they choose.

Apparently the programme makers research the family trees of hundreds of people, but only a few have a family tree interesting enough for the programme. Most of us are descended from farm labourers and domestic servants with hardly any recorded history. Not many can boast of having a scandalous duchess or an infamous outlaw as an ancestor.

In this Sunday’s gospel, Jesus asks his disciples, ‘Who do people say I am?’ They answer ‘John the Baptist’ or ‘Elijah’. ‘But you’, he asks ‘who do you say I am?’ and Peter answers, ‘You are the Christ’. Jesus then begins to teach them about his forthcoming death and resurrection. Peter, who is naturally shocked, objects, and Jesus says to him the famous words, ‘Get behind me Satan’. It’s an expression we all know, usually used for a laugh when we are being offered that extra slice of cake!

However Jesus was not using it for a laugh, far from it, and Peter must have been devastated to hear those words. Poor loyal and faithful Peter, who had just confessed that Jesus was the Christ, is now being called Satan! But Jesus needs to make this point as strongly as possible. To turn away from his death on the Cross and his resurrection three days later, is to turn away from God’s plan for humanity. Without Christ’s death and resurrection, there would be no forgiveness of sins, no Holy Spirit, no Christianity, and no Church. We would be denied the eternal life in the Kingdom of God that Christ offers us.

The TV show always starts with a short description of the celebrity and then it moves onto their parents. Think about Jesus’ conception and birth. Who were his parents? Think about the words of the Nicene Creed: “For us and for our salvation he came down from heaven; by the power of the Holy Spirit he became incarnate of the Virgin Mary, and was made man.”
Now ask yourself the question, ‘Who do I think he is?’

With my love and prayers,

Sister Pat
Sr Pat
(On behalf of the clergy)

Prayer for the week

Lord Jesus Christ,
Who do I think you are?
Help me to encounter you Jesus in all that I do.
Not only those times of sorrow, when you are such a comfort.
Not only in those times of joy, when I am filled with thanksgiving.
But also at those times when it’s so easy for me to be caught up in the everyday,
ordinary routine of my life, forgetting that you are there too.
Who do I think you are?
You are the Son of God. You are my Saviour. You are my everything.
I love you Lord Jesus, for you are the Christ of God.
In your Holy Name, Amen.

Week at a glance

Sunday 15th September 2024
08.30 am said Mass at St Michael Wood Green
10.30 am Parish Mass at St Michael Wood Green
11.00 am Parish Eucharist at St Michael-at-Bowes

Tuesday 17th September 2024
11.00 am Eucharist at St Michael-at-Bowes

Wednesday 18th September 2024
12.00 noon Parish Mass at St Michael Wood Green

Thursday 19th September 2024
7.00 pm Holy Hour. Exposition of the Sacrament and Benediction. Wood Green.

Friday 20th September 2024
12.00 noon Parish Mass at St Michael Wood Green

Saturday 21st September 2024
12.00 noon Parish Mass at St Michael Wood Green


Tuesday Bible Study Group: Bible Study at Bowes following the 11am Eucharist. The focus of the study is the parables of Christ. Do feel free to join for group exploration of scripture.

Wednesday Drop-In: Join us at the Drop-In on Wednesdays between 10.30am and 1.30pm for fellowship, and refreshments available for all. All are welcome!

PCC Meeting – There will be a PCC meeting in the coming weeks. Date TBC, so please watch out for notice of the next meeting.

Celebrating 180 years – This September St Michael’s Church will celebrate 180 years of service to the community. The Wood Green Team will be marking this occasion with a week of celebration. On Sunday 29th September (St Michael’s Day) we shall celebrate a 180th festival Mass followed by lunch in the church grounds. Please mark the date now and make it known. A calendar of events for the week will soon be available. If you have any old pictures or memorabilia relating to the church please let Fr Ian know as we hope to produce a display as part of our week of celebration. New postcards available for you to take and give to a friend as an invitation to our celebrations. Please do all you can to support this wonderful occasion.

Can you help? – We aim to keep the Church open for the week leading up to St Michael’s Day. There is a rota in Church which has been divided into 2 hour slots from Monday – Friday between the hours of 10am – 4pm. In addition to one of the clergy we hope to have a minimum of 2 people to welcome any visitors. Please, if you have time it would be appreciated. There is a sign up sheet at the back of St Michael’s or speak to Fr Engin at St Michael-at-Bowes should you wish to support this.

Stalls in the Hall Saturday 21st September – We begin our week long celebrations for our 180th anniversary with Stalls in the Hall. A number of crafts, cakes and challenges will be available not only to raise urgent funds but also to hand out information and invitations to our 180th celebrations. This will take place on Saturday 21st September. Again if you can help, please make it known.

Dates ahead from your social and fund-raising team

  • Sunday September 22nd – Sunday 29th St Michaels day 180th Celebrations
  • Saturday 9th November autumn Quiz afternoon 2 to 4pm
  • Saturday 7th December Bowes are hosting their Christmas Lunch
  • Saturday 21st December Christmas wreath/ flower arrangement

Please add these dates to your diaries and calendars and support us in our efforts to raise vital funds for the upkeep of our churches.

Parish letter - Sunday 8th September 2024

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Grace and Peace to you from our Lord Jesus Christ who reigns with the Father on the throne of glory.

The greyness of the start of September and the sound of the school playgrounds filled with the hubbub of lunchtime antics is a sign that the summer season has, once more, drawn to a close. As the grey clouds herald in the autumnal season, we are reminded of the consistent march of time. With each passing year, those familiar markers – the start of a school year, Harvest Festival, Advent, Lent and so on – all approach just that bit quicker. For all the apparent mastery of the world and science that humans can boast, the command of time will always elude our grasp.

And it is on this very matter, the passing of time and looking ahead, that two words in our Gospel this Sunday have particular power. Christ’s command “Ephphatha”, which the Evangelist Mark translates for us as “Be opened” is part of a healing account roughly halfway through Mark’s Gospel. It is perhaps one of the most widely recognised of Christ’s healing miracles but has a resonance for us today that we would do well to heed.

If we think of the application of this gospel narrative to our own lives we might remark that we are blessed not to suffer with the same affiliations as the man bought before Jesus. But the healing command given, “Be opened”, should form a regular part of prayers. The healing of the man’s body is indeed miraculous and restores him within society. But the prayer “Ephphatha” holds within it the desire for Christ to see us open to the love of God and His activity in our lives. This requires careful consideration of what holds us back from more fully living in the light of His Grace.

Whilst the impending celebrations of our Parish’s 180th Anniversary mark a unique passage of time, before we realise it we will be in Advent and before long another calendar year. Christ yearns for us to be open to Him and His Father now, not to wait another month, another week, even another day! For it is only in Christ that the healing and peace which transcends anything the world might boast can be found, and that healing touch – the touch that brings us nearer to the Godhead than we thought possible is there for us to receive today. May we be opened to Chist and his presence in our lives, this day and all our days to come. Amen.

father simon
Fr Simon
(On behalf of the clergy)

Prayer for the week

Thanks be to thee, my Lord Jesus Christ, for all the benefits thou hast given me, for all the pains and insults thou hast borne for me. O most merciful redeemer, friend and brother, may I know thee more clearly, love thee more dearly, and follow thee more nearly, day by day. Amen (St Richard of Chichester 1198-1253)

Week at a glance

Sunday 8th September 2024
08.30 am said Mass at St Michael Wood Green
10.30 am Parish Mass at St Michael Wood Green
11.00 am Parish Eucharist at St Michael-at-Bowes

Tuesday 10th September 2024
11.00 am Eucharist at St Michael-at-Bowes

Wednesday 11th September 2024
12.00 noon Parish Mass at St Michael Wood Green

Thursday 12th September 2024
7.00 pm Holy Hour. Exposition of the Sacrament and Benediction. Wood Green.

Friday 13th September 2024
12.00 noon Parish Mass at St Michael Wood Green

Saturday 14th September 2024
12.00 noon Parish Mass at St Michael Wood Green


Tuesday Bible Study Group: Bible Study at Bowes will resume this Tuesday (10th September) following the 11am Eucharist. The focus of the study is the parables of Christ. Do feel free to join for group exploration of scripture.

Wednesday Drop-In: Join us at the Drop-In on Wednesdays between 10.30am
and1.30pm for fellowship, and refreshments available for all. All are welcome!

Cake Sale Saturday 7th September – This Saturday there will be a cake sale in St Raphael’s centre from 10 – 12noon.

PCC Meeting – There will be a PCC meeting in the coming weeks. Date TBC, so please do watch out for notice of the next meeting.

Celebrating 180 years – This September St Michael’s Church will celebrate 180 years of service to the community. The Wood Green Team will be marking this
occasion with a week of celebration. On Sunday 29th September (St Michael’s Day) we shall celebrate a 180th festival Mass followed by lunch in the church grounds. Please mark the date now and make it known. A calendar of events for the week will soon be available. If you have any old pictures or memorabilia relating to the church please let Fr Ian know as we hope to produce a display as part of our week of celebration.

Can you help? – We aim to keep the Church open for the week leading up to St Michael’s Day. There is a rota in Church which has been divided into 2 hour slots from Monday – Friday between the hours of 10am – 4pm. In addition to one of the clergy we hope to have a minimum of 2 people to welcome any visitors. Please, if you have time it would be appreciated. There is a sign up sheet at the back of St Michael’s or speak to Fr Engin at St Michael-at-Bowes should you wish to support this.

Stalls in the Hall – We begin our week long celebrations for our 180th anniversary with Stalls in the Hall. A number of crafts, cakes and challenges will be available not only to raise urgent funds but also to hand out information and invitations to our 180th celebrations. This will take place on Saturday 21st September. Again if you can help, please make it known.

Dates ahead from your social and fund-raising team

  • Saturday 7th September Cake sale
  • Sunday September 22nd – Sunday 29th St Michaels day 180th Celebrations
  • Saturday 9th November autumn Quiz afternoon 2 to 4pm
  • Saturday 7th December Bowes are hosting their Christmas Lunch
  • Saturday 21st December Christmas wreath/ flower arrangement

Please add these dates to your diaries and calendars and support us in our efforts to raise vital funds for the upkeep of our churches.

Parish letter - Sunday 1st September 2024

Dear Brothers & Sisters,

This Sunday we depart from John’s Gospel and the theme of Jesus the Bread of Life and resume the Gospel of St Mark. We go straight into the action where the Scribes and Pharisees are arguing with Jesus and trying to catch him out. When Jesus shows his righteous anger it is almost always provoked by the hypocrisy of the Pharisees and Scribes, those who praise themselves for living the true tradition given by God.

Jesus, on the other hand, sides with those who are quickly despised and rejected by the Pharisees. He is patient with sinners; he spends time with the sick; he gives of himself completely as he teaches the crowds who hang on his every word.

Yet, when it comes to the religious leaders of the time, Jesus is provoked to anger. It is precisely because those who guard the traditions of the faith, actually corrupt them, meaning the traditions become obstacles on the path to God and fail to give the life God promises to all who turn to Him.

Just as Jesus Challenged the Pharisees and Scribes, He also challenges us. He invites us to bring our inner life and our public actions closer together, in other words to practice what we believe and preach. Then the name Christian will not be a label we carry or a badge we wear; rather, it will be a deep reality within the heart of each one of us and even give life and hope to others.

May God richly bless you and those you love.
Love & prayers

father ian booth
Fr Ian
(On behalf of the clergy)

Prayer for the week

let our hearts not be far from you.
Help us reach out to our neighbour,
even when we are busy or tired.
Let us tear down walls when we’d
rather let them stand.
Let the world know we are your disciples
not because our hands are clean,
but because they are soiled
with the mark of your people.

Week at a glance

Sunday 1st September 2024
08.30 am said Mass at St Michael Wood Green
10.30 am Parish Mass at St Michael Wood Green
11.00 am Parish Eucharist at St Michael-at-Bowes

Tuesday 3rd September 2024
11.00 am Eucharist at St Michael-at-Bowes

Wednesday 4th September 2024
12.00 noon Parish Mass at St Michael Wood Green

Thursday 5th September 2024
7.00 pm Cell of Our Lady of Walsingham Mass & Rosary Wood Green

Friday 6th September 2024
12.00 noon Parish Mass at St Michael Wood Green

Saturday 7th September 2024
12.00 noon Parish Mass at St Michael Wood Green


Tuesday Bible Study Group: Bible Study at Bowes will resume next Tuesday 10th September following the 11am Eucharist.

Wednesday Drop-In: Join us at the Drop-In on Wednesdays between 10.30am
and1.30pm for fellowship, and refreshments available for all. All are welcome!

Cake Sale Saturday 7th September – next Saturday there will be a cake sale in St Raphael’s centre from 10 – 12noon.

Celebrating 180 years – This September St Michael’s Church will celebrate 180 years of service to the community. The Wood Green Team will be marking this
occasion with a week of celebration. On Sunday 29th September (St Michael’s Day) we shall celebrate a 180th festival Mass followed by lunch in the church grounds. Please mark the date now and make it known. A calendar of events for the week will soon be available. If you have any old pictures or memorabilia relating to the church please let Fr Ian know as we hope to produce a display as part of our week of celebration.

Can you help? – We aim to keep the Church open for the week leading up to St Michael’s Day. There is a rota in Church which has been divided into 2 hour slots from Monday – Friday between the hours of 10am – 4pm. In addition to one of the clergy we hope to have a minimum of 2 people to welcome any visitors. Please, if you have time it would be appreciated.

Stalls in the Hall – We begin our week long celebrations for our 180th anniversary with Stalls in the Hall. A number of crafts, cakes and challenges will be available not only to raise urgent funds but also to hand out information and invitations to our 180th celebrations. This will take place on Saturday 21st September. Again if you can help, please make it known.

Dates ahead from your social and fund-raising team

  • Saturday 7th September Cake sale
  • Sunday September 22nd – Sunday 29th St Michaels day 180th Celebrations
  • Saturday 9th November autumn Quiz afternoon 2 to 4pm
  • Saturday 7th December Bowes are hosting their Christmas Lunch
  • Saturday 21st December Christmas wreath/ flower arrangement

Please add these dates to your diaries and calendars and support us in our efforts to raise vital funds for the upkeep of our churches.