celebration of kings coronation at saint michaels church

About Us

Serving God And The Community For 175 Years

For over 175 years the Church of St Michael’s Wood Green has been serving both God and the community and our Church has stood and continues to stand as a sign of God’s loving presence for all who pass by. As we celebrate this significant anniversary, we remember in prayer and gratitude the many clergy and people who make up our history.

In 1843 the residents of Wood Green had to walk to the Parish Church of All Hallows, Tottenham to attend Church. The growth of the population required that a Church be built at Wood Green, at the beginning of October 1844 St Michael’s was consecrated.

The changes that have occurred since then have been amazing. Yet our calling remains the same – to worship the Lord our God and to live the Gospel life of service to the community. To God be glory. Amen

As it was in the beginning…

St Michael’s Chapel of Ease, the Church at the top of the hill, was built to the designs of Messrs Scott and Moffatt. It was consecrated for worship on 3rd October 1844 by the then Bishop of London, Bishop Bloomfield. The parish was served by the clergy of All Hallow’s Church, Tottenham and in 1851 the record of attendance showed 28 souls at morning worship and 85 in the evening. Following a number of building complications including having to close the Church for a period of time.

Fr Jones Thomas, our first Vicar, was appointed in 1862. The population had now risen to 3,500. Fr Thomas was a real driving force building up to Church and the parish and was instrumental in the building of St Michael’s School. He served for 45 years before his retirement in 1907 and he laid the foundations upon which others could build.

The story continues…

Since the beginning we have been served by 11 Parish Priests and many Curates all of whom have added significant contributions to the life and worship of the parish. They together with the faithful congregation have prayed and worked hard to hand on the baton of faith to those who came after them. Now on this 175th anniversary of our Church we have the God given opportunity to continue to build His kingdom here in Wood Green remaining true to the vision of those who like us seek to love and serve our Lord Jesus Christ in our beautiful, diverse and vibrant town.

Meet our Sister Church…

With the consecration of the new Church at Bowes on 7th June 1988, the congregation came home. For nearly 100 years they had worshipped in a stunning Victorian Church. However damp, cold and dry rot caused structural damage which led to its destruction. In 1982 under the leadership of the new Rector Fr John Broadhurst (later to become Bishop of Fulham) St Michael at Bowes and St Michael’s Wood Green became a new Team Ministry working together under the leadership of the Rector, Team Vicar and Parish Curate.

Fr Ian is our Rector since January 2017 and Area Dean of East Haringey. Our Team Vicar is Fr Engin from Turkey. We are called by God to serve you.

saint michael at bowes church

St Michael’s Today…

We take very seriously our work with children, in Wood Green St Michael’s Followers meet every Sunday and learn through craft, drama and teaching the importance of living the Gospel life. Today the children will be burying a time capsule for the children of the future 25 years from now.

At Bowes there is a very successful ‘Messy Church’ which meets once a month again focusing on Biblical stories and engaging children with play, art and singing.

We also very proud of our serving team who enrich our worship so faithfully. We are truly blessed to have the involvement of so many of our young people at St Michael’s

Over 100 hundred years ago the Church funded the building of St Michael’s C of E School and the relationship with the School goes from strength to strength. The children regularly attend Church and our Clergy conduct week assemblies at the School.

Life in our Church family…

Pilgrimages to Our Lady of Walsingham are a regular feature of our life together at St Michael’s and in 2020 a number of our community will be going to the Passion Play in Oberammergau

Our minibus can often be seen transporting members of the Church to various locations with afternoon tea

Every Wednesday members of our Church family run a drop-in from 10.30pm -2pm. We welcome friends who are homeless and others in need of company and a light lunch. We meet in St Raphael’s hall next to the Church and are often joined by the local surgery who offer help and advice to those who need it.

Another vital part of our life involves the supporting of our local food bank which supplies the needs of so many.

We know how to party…

Quiz evenings, bingo and other events all help with our fund-raising efforts and are always full of fun proving that a parish that prays and plays together stays together. Events are advertised well in advance and you are always welcome to come along.

Our All Nations Evenings are a joyful celebration of the many cultures and nationalities that make up our Church family. Good food, good drink, good dancing (give or take the Rector) all ensure a good time is had by all.

As a parish we take part in the great get together inspired by the death Jo Cox MP who reminded us ‘we are better together’ and ‘there is more that unites us than divides us’.

Vocations have been discovered here…

The parish bids a fond farewell to Simon and Victoria as Simon takes up training for the Priesthood

In July 2018 Fr Andy and his family joined us as a Deacon in training and in June 2019 he was ordained Priest and celebrated the Eucharist for the first time and moving day for us all.

Bible studies, Lent Groups and workshops help us build up our knowledge of God and what it means to be part of the Church. Both our Churches at St Michael’s Wood Green and St Michael at Bowes offer the opportunity to share with each other what our faith means to us

On occasions the Parish Clergy team can be seen at the underground station offering prayers and blessings to commuters and passers-by.

At the heart of all we do is worship…